Category: Poem Readings

  • Diana Khoi Nguyen on Wheaton Campus

    It was my pleasure to welcome Diana Khoi Nguyen to Wheaton for a reading last week. And I just thought to include my introduction here. Thanks so much to Diana! The students were absolutely enthralled by her presentation. I have always been fascinated by poems that account for the enormity of their subject matter. An…

  • My Dream AWP Panel

    I’ll admit, I’ve submitted multiple panel proposals to AWP, and they’ve all been rejected. Maybe it’s because I can never come up with a pithy panel title. Or maybe it’s that writing the panel description has felt like old Twitter, where you had just 140 characters. And I want to include all the things I…

  • Reading Past the “Poetic Speaker”

    For several years, I have been working on reading methods that extend a poem past its “poetic speaker.” Not that reading for speaker is unhelpful or unnecessary. I just don’t see it as part of the end game in my reading process. Or I’m interested in having complex models for when I come across an…