Shout Outs

Every week, I look for news items or highlight bits of poetry news I have found important for my ongoing reading life.

  • A Friday Shout-Out

    Anais Duplan’s interviews in “The Moon’s Silent Modulation.” It’s exactly what I would like to read in an interview. Meaning, I’ve found myself a little impatient with the interview format where two writers engage in small talk at the opening. I understand this is part of the interview process. Everyone needs time to warm up.…

  • Friday Shoutouts!

    Three poets I want so badly to see first full-length books from. Julianne Neely – I am so excited every time I come across new work by Neely. It’s something about how she burrows into voice, that hum of voice that moves with inflection, implication of statement, association leading from thought to thought, or thought…

  • Friday Shoutout!!

    Ecopoetics and Nature Poetry Published in the 21st Century The ecopoetic criticism I have read is mainly concerned with shifting the conversation people have about nature poetry so it accounts for the anthropocene. But I wonder what to do about poetry drawing on nature as an unconventional logic. Kind of like Louise Gluck’s The Wild Iris…