About Me

I like eating ice cream with my family! Also, I’ve been told I look good in red!

I’m Kent Shaw. I was born in St. Louis. I lived in Oklahoma. And now I’m in Rhode Island. I have worked as a barista, a copy writer, a data analyst (sort of), a documentation specialist, and as a nuke electrician in the United States Navy. I earned my MFA from Washington University and my PhD from University of Houston. For five years, I taught poetry at West Virginia State University. Then, in 2016, I moved with my family to New England, where I teach poetry as writing process and literature at Wheaton College in MA. I have received two fellowships from MacDowell, the first supported me writing my second book. My two books of poems are: Too Numerous (University of Massachusetts Press, 2019), winner of the Juniper Prize, and Calenture (University of Tampa Press, 2008)

A selection of previously published poems:

A selection of book reviews:

And, finally, a couple personal essays: