Tag: #AsianAmerican

  • [they won’t see us coming], by Valerie Hsiung

    It’s helpful to understand the slipperiness inherent to a Valerie Hsiung’s poem. And by slippery I mean that feeling when you think you have ahold of something, only to feel it slip out of your hands. A bar of soap. A dish you’re washing by hand. Reading [they won’t see us coming], Hsiung coaxes me…

  • “Study of Two Figures (Pasiphäe / Sado),” by Monica Youn

    What draws me into Monica Youn’s poem, “Study of Two Figures (Pasiphäe / Sado),” is the variety of “containers” fashioned in the poem. A container formed by the concept of race. A literal container each story’s main character has to fit themselves inside of. The poem itself as a container that juxtaposes two stories—stories that…