Tag: #RhetoricalReading

  • “Entry,” by Amie Zimmeran

    I should be clear at the opening. I’m not sure what I’m supposed to be entering in Amie Zimmerman’s poem, “Entry” (the second of the two published in Mercury Firs 4 is what I’m writing about here). Like is the poem marking each of the situations as places where a reader could enter? Is it…

  • “Feldhase,” by Kylan Rice

    My frame for Kylan Rice’s poetry will always be the piece I read in Colorado Review last year. “Shield or Bee” is this remarkable exercise in density and the sound of density and the sound when making sense amidst a dense phrasing. Like what I could imagine a bee doing. But the poem isn’t “in…

  • “Let Us Mark This Day,” by Sarah Wolfson

    I remember in 2008, this poem by Linnea Ogden. “Contact.” Written like it was the poetry that lies beneath legal documentation. Like it was sounding out legalese, writing a poetic consideration of legal discourse. Maybe the “contact” of the title directs readers to think what happens when two kinds of language are put into contact…